Candidates for Executive Board

Candidates for the 46th Legislative District Democrats Executive Board 

Candidates up for election at the 46th District Democrats Reorganization Meeting on January 21, 2025.

Here is the final list of candidates for the 46th District Dems Executive Board!

(Candidates listed in the order received)

Statutory Offices (to be voted on by Precinct Committee Officers only)

For Chair:


As the Chair of the 46th District Democrats, I’m running to serve on your behalf for a second term. These last two years have been transformative for our organization, and I’m proud of the work I and my fellow leaders have accomplished to turn our district around and move it forward.

Under my direction and leadership we:

  • Updated our Bylaws and Standing Rules to take power away from the chair and move it to the rest of the Executive Board and Membership.

  • Created systems to ensure that minutes, financials, and other critical organizational documents are kept in accordance with our rules and published in a timely fashion, which hadn’t been done in years.

  • Implemented new financial controls that guarantee organizational funds can no longer be misused or lost, giving the membership greater transparency and peace of mind that our funds are well stewarded and managed in compliance with the law.

  • We recruited for and filled more precincts with PCOs than any other LD in the entire state, and were strategic with literature printing. We spoke with our PCOs to learn who would be able to walk. So despite only printing 14,000 pieces of lit in 2024, all our endorsed candidates got elected, and we stopped wasting funds on literature that didn’t get distributed.

And those were just the administrative things! Front-facing changes made members' experiences more enjoyable, accessible, informed and engaging.

  • We opened up committees to everyone! Members no longer need permission to be on a committee, nor can they be excluded from participation.

  • We built a team of volunteers who make our meetings run efficiently and smoothly! From credentialing to tallying votes, our district has set the bar for all other LDs. Most meetings finish on time, or early!

  • For the first time in forever, our leaders actually represent YOU! As the most diverse Eboard on record, we brought in voices that were poorly represented - youth, single parents, non-binary, and people of color. We also come from a wide range of incomes, denominations and ages.

Now, I’m looking to further our organization’s inclusivity, accessibility, and organization, to better serve our membership and community, with more in-person events, new member orientations, and more leadership opportunities to grow our next generation of leaders.

Two years ago, you trusted me to lead the 46th District Democrats, and I hope I’ve earned your confidence in my continuing to do so through 2026. I would be honored to have your vote and continue to move our organization forward, working on your behalf. Thank you



I'm a dad of four, industrial engineer, problem solver, and passionate advocate for liberal causes. I'm a former 46th District Executive Board member who is running to rebuild the inclusive, vibrant, and engaged 46th District Democrats of years past.

District Democratic organizations like ours have one true purpose - Get Out the Vote. Instead, the current leadership reached fewer voters, raised less money, and turned out 8,000 fewer democratic voters than we should have compared to our neighboring Districts.

If elected, I'll ask the 46th Dems to pursue these three goals…

  1. Remobilize the 46th Districts Democrats
    - Give local Democrats a meaningful chance to connect with each other
    - Reengage with volunteers to walk our neighborhood
    - Raise money to support our elected officials and GOTV

  2. Rebuild a welcoming, liberal community for Democrats to congregate
    - Get back to in-person meetings; we'll all need connection over the next four years
    - Allow for orderly debate and thorough discussion
    - Effectively engage immigrant and minority communities

  3. Focus 46th's energy on Climate-friendly Policies & WA State Issues
    - Support the broad Democratic consensus to address climate change locally
    - Host programs and speakers to inform and engage members
    - Support our elected officials efforts to fight for us

Together, we can create an engaged community that welcomes and supports all the 46th District’s Democrats.


For Vice Chair:

LISA RIVERA (female)

My name is Lisa Rivera and I am excited to be running to serve a second term as your Vice Chair!

Ever since I was elected two years ago, it's been an honor to support Chair Brown and our entire Eboard, in leading our org through progressive improvements that our members demanded.

But what does a Vice Chair do??

According to our Bylaws, Section 5.6, “The Vice-Chair shall serve in the absence or incapacitation of the Chair and perform other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.”

Luckily, Chair Brown never became incapacitated, and was rarely absent from meetings, so though I only needed to chair two meetings for him, I earned my stripes assisting with meeting prep:

  • I sent an on-time Call to Meeting email every month, and when email glitches happened, I worked to resolve them quickly to ensure all members were ready to attend and participate in meetings.

  • Being chair means keeping us on schedule! So for every membership meeting, I prepped a detailed outline to help Chair Brown navigate us through each agenda item. The consistent messaging used in each meeting also helped give each meeting a pace and familiarity.

  • We love hearing from our legislators, so I worked in tandem with Chair Brown to ensure they were invited often, to answer questions from our members, and give us updates from their work in Olympia. 

In addition to that, I had a busy two years doing everything I could to fill other important duties. 

  • As Communications Chair, I’ve crafted and sent out over 146 email blasts! A former newspaper reporter with a degree in journalism, I made it my job to ensure our messaging is both detailed, yet digestible, in emails and on our website. Every line, link and icon is carefully chosen to make our emails attractive and readable.

  • As an event lead, I worked with other volunteers to plan in-person events that were accessible (near transit!), affordable (always with a free option!) and fun (like our Presidential Debate Watch Party!). I look forward to planning more events, especially around GOTV efforts and new member engagement. 

  • As Financial Review Committee Chair, I worked with committee members to coordinate our efforts to reconcile and report on seven years worth of financial documents. This nearly 2-year undertaking brought long-awaited transparency to our district, and shaped the new financial policies that were unanimously passed by our membership in October. 

It’s been a labor of love to support our chair in stewarding our organization, expanding engagement and promoting progressive policies. I am proud of the collaborative efforts we have made to make the 46th Dems a more accessible, influential and engaged organization. I would be honored to have your vote, so I can continue to serve as your Vice Chair in the next biennium. Thank you!



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I would be honored to have your vote to serve as Vice Chair. I am an elected PCO and a proud activist in the 46th LD’s grassroots efforts at electing more Democrats to office from school board directors to senators. I hope that you also want to be an active member. The 46th District Democrats and our sister LD’s are the backbone and muscle of the Washington Democratic Party. Our main purpose is to support candidates and get out the vote.

To move forward and accomplish our main purpose, I propose three goals to guide our actions and meetings:

  1. Remobilize the 46th Democrats to turn out all those progressive blue votes.
    • This year we dropped about 5000 pieces of literature. In 2020 under the last E- board, we dropped about 48,000.
    • Let’s rev up our Get Out the Vote machine. Our voting percentage dropped 4% in 2024.
    • We need to get back to fundraising for these GOTV and get the turn out back to our historically very high levels.

  2. Rebuild a welcoming and liberal community for Democrats.
    • In-person meetings so that the members know and trust each other.
    • Use Roberts’ Rules to allow for orderly debate and thorough discussion that allows more voices to be heard
    • Limiting debate to two or four voices is not democratic. Neither is muting everyone in virtual meetings.
    • Work together for common goals. That means listening to others and getting to know our fellow members.
    • Reach out to engage immigrant and marginalized communities.

  3. Focus our 46th LD energy on climate friendly policies and Washington State issues.
    • Host programs and speakers at our in-person meetings to increase our knowledge and inform our actions.
    • Hold Q and A sessions with our public officials.
    • Take local actions on our overall goal to address the effects of climate change on our community.

I believe we can build a stronger and more effective association by implementing these goals and actions. Please vote for me so that we can work for a stronger and effective Democratic Party.


For State Committee Members (2 positions of differing genders):

YAZ KADER (male)

My name is Yaz Kader, I’m a PCO in the 46th Legislative District and am running to be your State Committee Member. I was born and raised here in the Seattle area, attended the University of Washington, where I earned both my Bachelors and Masters of Science in Nursing and became a registered nurse. I worked at Harborview Medical Center for 9 years and spent a year and a half working there during the COVID pandemic. Washington State has always been my home and I’ve been grateful for this opportunity to serve the community.

I am running because I want to be a voice for all communities. As a Palestinian-American and Muslim, I understand the importance of centering the voices of those who are struggling and unheard. I want to advocate for everyone in the 46th LD, but I will work to elevate the voices of people who have historically not had access to power. As your state committee representative, I will foster transparency, accountability, and honesty to best represent all of you who elect me.

As someone who is relatively new to the party, I am excited about the opportunity to elevate our values and mission. I have met some amazing Democratic community members over the last year and developed great relationships with leaders in the state party. I hope to earn your vote for State Committee Member!

—Lisa Rivera, King County Democrats State Committee Member

—Tara Gallagher, 46th LD State Committee Member

—Anbar Mahar, Executive Director, Rooted in Vibrant Communities

—Jessica Trupin, Jewish Community Leader, former 46th LD board member

—Marc Auerbach, 46th LD PCO-Chair



I am running for reelection as one of your representatives to the State Central Committee.

I joined the Democratic Party to amplify advocacy for all the people, to work for economic fairness and civil rights for all.

I have been a PCO for twenty years. and since 2006 have served on the executive board of several local organizations (43rd LD, King County, 46th LD) in varied roles, including treasurer, vice chair, KCD rep and now State committee member.

I have served on the rules committee at the state party, and am rules committee co-chair for the 46th; I have also served on rules committees of King County Democrats and the 43rd LD Democrats. My main focus with rules and bylaws is to make the party open, welcoming and inclusive, balancing the interest of all members with meetings and processes that are efficient and clear for our volunteer memberships: I make special effort to be available to explain rules and to guide members in achieving the work they want to get done.

I live in north Fremont, in the farthest south-west corner of the 46th. Since redistricting into the 46th, I have enjoyed getting to know the many neighborhoods that make up the 46th.

I would appreciate the opportunity to once again represent the 46th at the State Central Committee. I have done my best to represent the values and voices of the 46th there, and to inform the 46th of the actions of the state party. Please let me know if you have any question or concerns ([email protected])


For Representative to King County Democrats Central Committee (2 positions of differing genders):

GALAXY MARSHALL (non-binary)

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I have loved serving as your king county rep for the last two years, and it would be an honor to do it for two more!



Hello! My name is Julie Conklin (she/her) and I’m running to be one of your representatives to the King County Democrats. I've been serving as KCDCC alternate for the past year after being elected to fill a vacant position and would welcome the opportunity to continue serving, albeit in a slightly different capacity.

I strongly believe the adage that "democracy is not a spectator sport" and strive to put my progressive values into action, stepping up my involvement in party politics after becoming a 46th legislative district member in 2016, and a PCO in 2017.

You may have seen me hunched over my computer at our online meetings, admitting and credentialing members or volunteering at in-person political events. I’ve participated in GOVT efforts for local, state and national candidates, voter registration, ballot curing, and served as a state delegate for Bernie and most
recently, Biden. I'm active in the Washington State Democrats Progressive Caucus
and the 46 LD and WA Environment and Climate Caucuses and have attended
all the Washington Democrats state meetings.

In my day job as a physician assistant for a local community health center, I love partnering with my patients of diverse backgrounds to empower them to meet their health goals. I'm also a proud union member as an occasional Spanish medical interpreter for Seattle-King County Public Health.

With the incoming presidential administration, we face increasing threats to our progressive policies. If elected, I hope to join the KCDCC endorsement committee to help vet candidates who align with our progressive platform as well as do my best to represent your values.

I would be honored to earn your vote and I look forward to hearing your input for KCDCC as well as share information about what KCDCC is accomplishing.

Thank you for all you do for the Democratic Party!
In solidarity, Julie

For KCDCC Alternate (2 positions):


I’m a lifelong political activist and have been involved in the Democratic Party since 1972. I started by volunteering for the McGovern campaign, ran for the state legislature in 1978, served as the Chair of the 31st Legislative District Democrats and managed several campaigns. I continued my political involvement while balancing a successful career and one for and motherhood.

There was one short exception. In 2015 I was elected Vice President of Advocacy of the League of Women Voters of Washington. As a leader of this highly respected nonpartisan organization, I was required to step away from public affiliation with any party. But after the election of Trump in 2016, I realized that supporting the Democrat party and its candidates was more impactful than lobbying. Resigning from LWV also allowed me to serve as the Legislative Director for the Northwest Progressive Institute.

Getting re-involved in the party in 2017 was important, but as we all know, it is more critical than ever that those of us who hold strong, progressive values do whatever we can to support the party in responding to the dire threat of the second Trump presidency and the increasing normalization of mean-spiritedness, hateful rhetoric, and political violence in our society.

I’ve decided that in addition to supporting the party and candidates I need to demonstrate the values I profess: love, compassion and encouragement. That is what I hope to bring to the 46th LD Democrats, in addition to my professional and political experience.


Hello, my name is Brandon Monson, and I am excited to run for KCDCC Alternate representing the 46th District Democrats. I am committed to progressive policies, grassroots organizing, and equitable communities, bringing experience in public policy, community outreach, and disaster response with a strong, action-oriented perspective.

I earned a Master of Arts in Public Policy and Urban Leadership from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, graduating with a 4.0 GPA. Recognized as a Harry S. Truman Scholarship Finalist and a Ronald Reagan Foundation Fellow, I developed leadership and advocacy skills that prepared me for effective public service.

Currently, I serve as an Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist at FEMA, managing relationships with elected officials and supporting disaster response efforts. Previously, as Director of Outreach for The Just One Project, I coordinated food distribution events serving over 12,000 people monthly, built business partnerships, and expanded services with legislative collaboration.

During my time as District Director for Clark County Commissioner Justin Jones, I helped prevent evictions for more than 50 families, secured a $12 million federal grant for Red Rock National Park, and successfully passed an ordinance banning housing discrimination based on income source. I also led community vaccination events, providing critical health services to underserved populations.

Beyond my professional roles, I have been deeply involved in progressive activism. I served as Outreach Coordinator for the UNLV Young Democrats, President of the Student Sustainability Council, and a coordinator for homelessness and hunger relief programs. My campaign work includes organizing with the League of Conservation Voters, NextGen America, and Let America Vote.

If elected, I will prioritize transparency, inclusivity, and policies that promote justice, sustainability, and opportunity for all. I will work to amplify the voices of our community and foster collaboration that drives real change. It would be an honor to serve as your KCDCC Alternate, and I am grateful for your support.


Other Officers (to be voted on by both Precinct Committee Officers and Members)

For Secretary:


Hi my name is Aidan (he/him). I’ve been involved in 46th Dems since the 2022 redistricting, and on the board for the last two years. I was previously with the 43rd Dems since 2017, and have been a PCO for almost seven years. I’m passionate about mutual aid, direct democracy, disability justice, reimagining public safety, basic income, and a lot of other things. I work for Urban Native Education Alliance and in Seattle Public Schools. I also volunteer with Stop the Sweeps and Park Punk Pancakes. I have filled in a few times to take minutes for our membership meetings, and so I am now running for Secretary. I hope to earn your vote.


For Treasurer:


Coming up on 30 years of working for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center where a large part of my job is financial managements of grants and contracts, small and large. I would like to bring these skills, and the same high level of fiscal responsibility/accountability to contribute to the management of our LD. I look forward to seeing how we can continue supporting our communities and our democratic values, in the next years. I think staying active and engage in this organization (and others) will be crucial.


For Member At Large (9 positions):


I'm running to serve a second term on the 46th Democrats Executive Board. I'm currently part of the leadership team that significantly improved 46th Dems operations, transparency, and inclusiveness. I also just completed a term as PCO for my precinct, and as part of those duties and in many other contexts I've spent hundreds of hours campaigning to elect Democrats and support progressive policies - including democracy reform, climate policy, and housing policy.



I’m Nathan Antonio. I’ve been a member of the 46th District Democrats since 2020, a PCO since 2023, and served on the Executive Board since 2024. I grew up in Yakima, Washington and moved to Seattle more than 10 years ago. Growing up in eastern Washington, I saw firsthand how unconcerned conservative Republican politicians are in the needs of common people. They prefer to scapegoat the most vulnerable for problems they have no actual interest in solving. Seeing this cynical, morally bankrupt ethos inflicted on my family, friends, and colleagues drove me to the Democratic Party, which I have supported since I was very young.

My life’s work and passion is in housing and human services - I worked in youth development with the Peace Corps in South America, with migrant workers back in Yakima, locally at King County 2-1-1, and currently at the Seattle Office of Housing where I work to create and improve access to affordable homes for the residents of our city.

Volunteering for and donating to social and political causes is a huge part of who I am. I worked on campaigns on issues like the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy, as well supporting candidates for elected office, like Lorena Gonzalez and Alexis Mercedes Rinck. I’m also active in the labor movement as a member and volunteer with the local chapter of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance. Finally, as a PCO, I’ve walked my block in support of our endorsed candidates for every primary and general election since I was originally appointed.

I currently chair the 46th’s Effective Meetings Committee where I have worked to streamline procedures and improve the meeting experience. I also served on the Executive Board in 2024 where I contributed my time and expertise on meeting logistics and other topics to support the effective management and overall governance of the organization. I look forward to continuing to serve on the Executive Board and I humbly ask for your support. Thank you!


My name is Shane Macomber and I am running for Member at Large for the 46th District Democrats' Executive Board. I am currently serving our district as a member of our executive board and as the chair of our Policy & Resolutions Committee. I was also proud to represent our district on the state party’s platform committee in 2024.

In my role as an executive board member and chair of our Policy & Resolutions Committee, I love getting the chance to discuss city policy, local economics, housing, development and public health with our membership. I have also learned how to provide structured feedback to our members on how to craft resolutions which meet the drafting requirements while also remaining clear and easy to read.

My goals for the next two years, should I be re-elected and asked to retain my chairmanship is to continue supporting our LD members in crafting resolutions which speaks to the goals and needs of all of our North Seattle neighborhoods, as well as standing up for our democratic values.


I am Kathy Bentson. I am seeking a second term as an At-Large member of the Executive Board. In my first term, I worked with Sylvia Haven to create in-person programs at local libraries. The programs addressed universal health care, the Comprehensive Plan, and working together to defeat last fall’s initiatives. I also represented the 46th LD Democrats on the King County Endorsements Committee. In that role, I participated in interviews with all Democratic candidates running in King County in the last election at the national, state, and county level. In consultation with others, I cast the votes on behalf of the 46th LD Dems for who King County should endorse. They closely aligned with the endorsements the 46th LD Dems voted on later. I also participated in the work of the Effective Meetings and Rules and Bylaws committees.

I became a member of the 46th after the 2000 election, when the Supreme Court chose our president. I have worked since then to elect Democrats at all levels of government. I have been a PCO for many years. I gain understanding by listening to those who answer the door when I knock, and I distribute literature within and beyond my precinct.

I have lived in Wedgwood since 1990. I retired last year from my position as a community college instructor of anatomy and physiology at North and South Seattle Colleges and at Everett Community College. Before that, I worked as a book seller, biomedical researcher, and an Animal Keeper at Woodland Park Zoo. I enjoy working with people of all backgrounds and ages. Over time, I have come to better understand and deeply appreciate the struggles and promise of a vast array of individuals. I would appreciate your vote as I seek to work with others to advance the goals of the 46th LD Dems, to serve and empower our district's residents and address key topics including affordable housing and climate change.



Hello! I'm Jessica Trupin. I am a precinct committee officer, former 46th Legislative District board member, community volunteer and proud Husky. I've lived in Wallingford for 22 years and I am running for 46th LD at-large board member. I'm deeply committed to our LD's democratic values and I hope to bring my experience in the community to serve all members of our district with the highest possible standards of democratic leadership, ethical behavior and transparency. The 46th should be a welcoming community for all and I firmly believe that every voice, no matter how small, deserves to be heard.

I humbly ask for your vote and the opportunity to serve on your 46th LD board. Together, we can build an inclusive, democratic and welcoming future for the 46th Legislative District. Thank you.



Matthew brings a decade of political, non-profit, community, and policy leadership to the team of the 46th. As a 2nd term PCO, he seeks to rejoin the board of the 46th LD in order to continue learning and working closely with district members through meaningful partnerships, building on the progressive victories in WA.

As a coalition builder and organizer, Matthew got his start as the Lead Organizer for the Transit Riders Union, working on initiatives such as the Jump Start Big Business Tax, Orca 4 All, I-976, I-1631, and acting in coordination with numerous partners to win Washington's capital gains tax in 2021. He was also a founding member of the Housing 4 All Coalition, MASS (Move All Seattle Sustainability) Coalition, and and Stay Housed, Stay Healthy Coalition.

During the first days of the pandemic, Matthew was in the core group of organizers who founded the Seattle Independent Sustainability Effort, which raised over $1 million in direct cash assistance for artists who struggled during the pandemic. In his capacity as the Environmental Justice Chair of Standing Against Foreclosures and Eviction, he helped begin the Black and Indigenous Youth and Families Fund, which provided cash assistance to those members of the community who were struggling to make ends meet, and managed fiscal sponsorship opportunities for BIPOC community led projects that did not have opportunities for funding through traditional sources.

In his Legislative work, Matthew served as the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Young Democrats of WA, partnering with organizations such as Planned Parenthood and the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, collaborating to enact successful community driven results at the WA State Legislature. He currently serves as the Director of Government Affairs for the National Organization for Women - WA.

Matthew served as Field Director for King County Councilmember, Girmay Zahilay, directing his 2019 Pollie Award Winning Field Plan. In 2022, he was the Campaign Manager for Pooja Vaddadi's successful bid for Seattle Municipal Court Judge, and for Jeanna Repass' Kansas Secretary of State campaign, where he then went on to be the Communications Director for the Kansas State Democratic Party under Chair Repass including staffing the 2024 DNC. In 2024, after working with several Democratic candidates for State Legislature, Congress, and a Dakota Loomis’ successful bid for Douglas County District Attorney, he co-founded Mosaic Group to provide sustaining campaign services throughout Kansas in the struggle to beat back a Republican supermajority, and fight the influence of the Koch empire on its own turf. If elected, Matthew will take no part in leadership surrounding endorsements because of his work with candidates.


I am a 10 year resident of Ravenna and hoping to do what I can to benefit the 46th LD and King County. My career background is in pharmaceutical sciences/clinical research and I currently manage intellectual property in the life sciences industry. I also run a 501c4 which decriminalized natural psychedelics in Seattle as of 2021 and now promotes the legal recognition of psychedelic therapies in the state government. I'm hoping to help build a stronger 46th LD together with your help.



My name is Cat Munsen and I am excited to continue serving as Member-at-Large on the 46th District Democrats Executive Board, following my appointment to the board last year. Nothing feels more urgent in this moment than to remain actively engaged in local politics. I was re-elected to my PCO position in the fall and, despite a rough election outcome, remain committed to getting to know my neighbors and sparking conversations on the issues I care deeply about including homelessness, reproductive rights, and gun violence.

As the Policy & Campaigns Associate at Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project, I work daily to elevate the voices and lived experiences of our unhoused and low-income vendors ― to impact homelessness and anti-poverty policy at the city, county, and state level. Prior to joining Real Change, while working towards an MPA during the pandemic, I had the opportunity to engage in academic research on social equity in the cannabis industry. Prior to that, I was the Coalition Manager at the Alliance for Gun Responsibility where I was an integral part of three successful gun safety ballot initiatives and as many state legislative sessions.

I have lived in Wedgwood for 20 years and been active in my community throughout those years. With three kids who collectively attended six Seattle Public Schools, I have been an SPS parent volunteer in multiple capacities, including immediate Past President of the Nathan Hale High School Foundation Board. As a 46th EBoard member, I will continue to lend my policy, advocacy, and breadth of technical skills to support the crucial work of the 46th District Democrats in whatever capacity I am most needed.



I am a more recent resident of Washington State, but I've been heavily involved in progressive causes in Colorado before moving here.

I served as the chair as the Young Democrats of Douglas County, CO from 2018 to 2020. In 2019, I was awarded Young Democrat of the Year in Douglas County and nominated for Young Democrat of the Year in Colorado for my accomplishments in serving as chair and running for local office.

In 2019, I helped establish a queer nonprofit in Castle Rock, CO. There, we held Castle Rock's first ever pride festival, provided support groups for queer youth and families, and advocated for fair treatment for our community in a heavily conservative environment.

On a professional side, I've worked in ecological conservative, organ and tissue donation, and scientific data management. I'd love to bring my skills and experience to help further progressive causes in creating a better, more equitable world for all.



I am Doug Mormann, candidate for a Member At Large position. I came to Seattle about 10 years ago, after retiring as the director of a local health dept in Wisconsin to be near family.

I have been a 46th LD member and PCO since moving into the Haller Lake neighborhood in 2019. I also live in Shoreline and had the opportunity to serve as a PCO in the 43rd LD. During the primary and general elections of 2024, I was able to serve on our PCO Committee to support the about 200 PCO’s in the 46th LD be successful helping their neighbors make informed voting decisions. I serve with an ad hoc group of 46th members to develop the Healthcare Resolution recently passed by the 46th LD membership that encourages Washington State elected officials, the state Health Care Authority and others to continue the effort to assure universal health care for all Washingtonians.

Other interests beyond family and grandkids include Thornton Creek Alliance, Green Seattle, Public Health Emergency Response Corp and Seattle Parks.

It is important that the 46th LD provide a strong structure to help Democrats in our legislative district provide guidance to our elected officials about ways to improve life in our area and at the same time identify and support people who can serve as our elected representatives. Please consider supporting me to help keep our organization strong.



I’m Deb Harrick (she/her). I am a PCO running for District Executive Board Member-at-Large. I was born and grew up right here in the 46th, graduated Nathan Hale and UW, and have raised a family here. Over the past two decades, I have been strongly involved as a neighborhood community organizer, as I believe a strong country and city both start with strong neighborhood communities in which people create and maintain connections, communicate regularly, and find common goals. Like many others, seeing the direction our country is taking has motivated me to get more involved in local politics. 

In addition to being a proud UW alum, I hold a Masters in Public Administration from USC. My work in the education, fundraising and non-profit sectors has allowed me to get to know a wide variety of diverse cultures, economic situations and viewpoints as well as succeed as a dedicated community organizer and volunteer. I serve as the SNAP and Night Out for Safety coordinator for my neighborhood. As a volunteer educator for the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, I conduct presentations on disaster preparation to different communities all over the city. As a PTSA board member and public school educator, I have been part of advocating for positive change for students and families. Volunteering with Washington Trails and The Mountaineers has made me realize just how much work it takes to maintain the environment we are blessed with here in the northwest. 

My goal as a Member-at-Large will be to continue the kind of work I’ve done in my community on a District-wide scale, improving connections and coordination with involved community members and allowing the District to amplify the strong activist foundations we have in our great neighborhoods. Thank you for your consideration in voting for me for 46th District Board Member-at-Large.



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I would be honored to have your vote to serve as Vice Chair. I am an elected PCO and a proud activist in the 46th LD’s grassroots efforts at electing more Democrats to office from school board directors to senators. I hope that you also want to be an active member. The 46th District Democrats and our sister LD’s are the backbone and muscle of the Washington Democratic Party. Our main purpose is to support candidates and get out the vote.

To move forward and accomplish our main purpose, I propose three goals to guide our actions and meetings:

1. Remobilize the 46th Democrats to turn out all those progressive blue votes.
• This year we dropped about 5000 pieces of literature. In 2020 under the last E- board, we dropped about 48,000.
• Let’s rev up our Get Out the Vote machine. Our voting percentage dropped 4% in 2024.
• We need to get back to fundraising for these GOTV and get the turn out back to our historically very high levels.

2. Rebuild a welcoming and liberal community for Democrats.
• In-person meetings so that the members know and trust each other.
• Use Roberts’ Rules to allow for orderly debate and thorough discussion that allows more voices to be heard
• Limiting debate to two or four voices is not democratic. Neither is muting everyone in virtual meetings.
• Work together for common goals. That means listening to others and getting to know our fellow members.
• Reach out to engage immigrant and marginalized communities.

3. Focus our 46th LD energy on climate friendly policies and Washington State issues.
• Host programs and speakers at our in-person meetings to increase our knowledge and inform our actions.
• Hold Q and A sessions with our public officials.
• Take local actions on our overall goal to address the effects of climate change on our community.

I believe we can build a stronger and more effective association by implementing these goals and actions. Please vote for me so that we can work for a stronger and effective Democratic Party.



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I have been a very active participant in the 46th district Democrats for many years. I was appointed to, and am an active member of the King County Veterans Advisory Council.

As a former Board Member of the 46th I have an institutional knowledge that I would bring.

NOTE: Kathy Sakahara and Brandon Monson also filed for the Member At Large positions, but since they are uncontested in each of their first choices of office, we did not run their names, photos and profiles in their subsequent office choices.

For more information on Executive Board elections, email us at info[at]