46th District Dems November News Roundup
Hello 46th District Democrats –
Here's what our organization was up to in November!
⭐ November 21 Regular Membership Meeting Recap
Our November meeting was called to order at 7:07pm and adjourned at 8:07pm. Approximately 73 members and guests attended, and here are some highlights from the meeting:
Following a welcome, declaration of quorum, and a Land Acknowledgement by Chair Hunter Brown, we covered the following business item:
- We approved the Consent Agenda without objection.
- We held Executive Board Officer Elections
- For KCDCC Alternate, we elected Julie Conklin
- For the two Member-At-Large positions, we elected Shane Macomber and Nathan Antonio.
- We approved an Executive Board Recommended Motion to Postpone Consideration Indefinitely of a Resolution to Support the People of Ukraine in their Defense Against Russian Genocide and Colonialism.
During Good of the Order, Treasurer Melissa Taylor provided our membership with a list of key dates for December and the 2024 election cycle:
Dec 4 - Dec 8: King Conservation District filing period
Dec 9: State Committee meeting (virtual)
Dec 11 - Dec 15: Drainage district filing period
Jan 5 - April 5: Delegate applications open
Jan 17 - Feb 6: Drainage district election (only if multiple candidates)
Jan 24 - Feb 13: Special election
Jan 23 - Feb 13: King Conservation district election
Feb 21 - Mar 12: Presidential Primary
March-ish: King Conservation District appointed seat application deadline
April 2 - April 23: Special election
April 6: LD-level Delegate selection
May 6 - May 10: Candidate filing, including PCOs
May 12: CD-level Delegate applications due
May 18: CD-level Delegate selection
June 2: PLEO delegate applications due
June 9: State-level Delegate selection
June 21: Presidential elector selection
June 22: State Convention
July 17 - Aug 6: Primary election
Aug 19 - Aug 22: National Convention
Oct 16 - Nov 5: General election
Melissa stressed the importance of keeping these dates in mind, as we think about our plans for next year and where we, as a democratic organization, have an opportunity to impact our local elections and voter turn out. Thank you, Melissa!
See the November 21, 2023 Meeting Chat Links and Messages for the meeting Agenda and all your need-to-know info from the meeting.
⭐ General Election Recap
HUGE THANKS to everyone who voted in this years General Election! Here are the results as of November 30:
Seattle City Council:
District 1 - Rob Saka
District 2 - Tammy J. Morales
District 3 - Joy Hollingsworth
District 4 - Maritza Rivera
District 5 - Cathy Moore
District 6 - Dan Strauss
District 7 - Bob Kettle
King County:
Assessor - John Wilson
Director of Elections - Julie Wise
County Council District No. 2 - Girmay Zahilay
County Council District No. 4 - Jorge L. Barón
County Council District No. 6 - Claudia Balducci
County Council District No. 8 - Teresa Mosqueda
Court of Appeals:
Judge Position No. 2 - Lori K. Smith
Judge Position No. 3 - J. Michael ("Mike") Diaz
Judge Position No. 4 - Leonard Feldman
Port of Seattle:
Commissioner Position No. 2 - Sam Cho
Commissioner Position No. 5 - Fred Felleman
Seattle School Board:
Director District No. 1 - Liza Rankin
Director District No. 2 - Lisa Rivera
Director District No. 3 - Evan Briggs
Director District No. 6 - Gina Topp
City of Seattle, Proposition 1: Passed
As Chair Brown said at this month's Regular Membership Meeting, “I want to thank - PCOs and members knocking on doors. Marc Auerbach for working hard on the coordinated campaign with KCDCC and all of our endorsed candidates that ran for office. We appreciate you stepping up to serve our community. For our endorsed candidates that made it through, congratulations. For those that didn’t, we thank you for running a strong campaign. And to candidates who were elected that we didn’t endorse, we thank you for your willingness to serve our community and look forward to working with you.”
⏰ Looking Ahead ….
46th District Dems Executive Committee Meeting – Thursday, Dec 5, at 7:00pm
These monthly meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month. RSVP here.
46th District Dems Environmental Caucus – Tuesday, Dec. 12, 7:00-8:00pm
These monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Click here to attend.
46th District Dems Policy Committee Meeting – Thursday, Dec. 28, at 6:30pm
These monthly meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month. RSVP here.
🏛️ Connect with our 46th Legislative Delegation
Find out what our State Senator, Javier Valdez, Representative, Gerry Pollet and Representative, Darya Farivar are up to by signing up for their newsletters:
Sen. Javier Valdez: https://senatedemocrats.wa.gov/valdez/e-newsletter/
Rep. Gerry Pollet: https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/pollet/e-news/
Rep. Darya Farivar: https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/farivar/e-news/
📢 Looking for a past meeting?
No problem! You can find recordings of many of our past meetings on our 46th District Dems YouTube Channel (subscribe today!) And now that we live stream Regular Membership Meetings directly on YouTube, most recordings can be found under the "Live" tab.
📌 Last but not least ….
It’s (still) never too late to renew your membership! (or start a new one)
Dues support the costs associated with running the 46th Legislative District, and give you voting power at Membership Meetings, for such items as endorsing candidates, ballot measures and resolutions; electing some executive board positions like At-Large Members of the Executive Board; and adopting and amending our budget.
We have several contribution levels:
- Student / Limited Income ($10)
- Individual ($30)
- Couple/Family ($46)
- 4600 Club ($100)
- Friend of the 46th ($146)
- Supporter of the 46th ($246)
- Benefactor of the 46th ($546)
Join at https://www.46dems.org/become_a_member_today. For questions about the status of your membership, email Membership Chair, Scott Alspach, at [email protected]
Once again, THANK YOU to everyone who has put their time and talents into helping our organization thrive! We wish you a Happy December, and hope you take time to spend with family and loved ones!
Hunter Brown and Lisa Rivera
Chair and Vice-Chair
46th District Democrats