46th LD Dems Summer PIcnic June 18th, 2020 1:00pm
Well this has been all very Seattle, right? Summer came a month late, but at least it brings ballots with it! That’s right, the August 4th Primary is almost upon us and ballots will be hitting mailboxes over the next few days. Even in the midst of a pandemic, the 46th LD will do everything we can to turn out voters in our district and across the state. But since we can’t meet for a picnic in the park as we have in the past, we’ll instead bring the event to wherever you are, bringing together candidates and activists to kickoff the most important election season in our history. Join us this Saturday!
- 46th LD Democrats Virtual Summer Picnic: Sat July 18th @1pm
- Volunteer to help Get out the Vote in 2020
- GOTV Training: Office hours with Andrzej
As a reminder, to keep people safe during the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve avoided meeting in person, and are not able to do our traditional Summer Picnic to kick off our GOTV door-knocking efforts for the August Primaries. I also wanted to let folks know that in response to the significant spike in reported COVID-19 (our cases statewide have around doubled from around 3 weeks ago), we as the 46th LD Democrats Executive Board urge you not to participate in traditional door-to-door outreach at this time. It is imperative that we, as an organization, advocate for and practice policies that keep both our membership and our community safe.
But in lieu of in-person meetings, we hope you can join us for a virtual version of our Summer Picnic. Rather than handing off lit and walklists, PCOs will be signing up for phonebank codes. Candidates and activists will have the chance to have a bit of Q&A so we understand the messages we communicate in our calls. And we are thrilled to be hosting a chat with T’wina Nobles, an impressive candidate looking to flip a State Senate seat in the 28thLD (Tacoma), and we’ll be talking with her about how she grounds her work and her candidacy in social justice. Join us on Saturday July 18th @1pm at this Zoom link.
Thanks to all who had signed up to be volunteers for the 2020 cycle. We’d love to get more folks signed up as well in our on-going efforts through November. We’ve put together a variety of activities from PCO recruitment to phone banking in the 46th and beyond. Make your voice heard by finding the GOTV Volunteer form here {https://forms.gle/KsSPRsdY6SgDeTUz5}. And if for any reason you are unable to click into the form, don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly ([email protected]), and I’ll take the time to help you out.
And it’s not too late to build your skillset on GOTV strategy. Our intrepid PCO Coordinator, Andrzej Montaño, is holding a series of PCO Training sessions, giving advice on the tools we use for GOTV and letting activists know what gets people to commit to voting. We hope you can make it to one of the next couple sessions.
- Fri Jul 17, 2020 @5pm
- Sun Jul 19, 2020 @~2pm
There are a lot of ways to be involved this critical election cycle and we hope you join us in this work!