Ballots have Arrived and our Recommendations are Here! Vote by Nov. 3rd!

The 2020 General Election Ballots have all arrived!

Oct 27 update to Oct 16 & 19 posts:  If you have not received your ballot, call King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE (8683) to check your registration and check that a ballot was mailed to you.  King County will be able to re-issue you a ballot or tell you how to replace your ballot in time to be voted and counted.

For a full Endorsement list in larger type, click here.

This year, we encourage you to:

1)  Vote your Ballot Early!

  • Avoid any delay in the mail by voting and returning your ballot as soon as you possibly can.
  • You can return your ballot by mail (no postage needed) or,
  • You can return your ballot at an official King County Elections drop box.
  • For a list and map of drop boxes, click here.
  • If you do not receive your ballot by October 20, call King County Elections voter hotline at 206-296-VOTE (8683)


2) Vote your WHOLE ballot

  • Every Presidential year, many voters skip the races farther down the ballot, and just vote for President and Governor. 
  • All of the offices on your ballot are critical to the well-being of our government, and the passage or failure all of the ballot measures will have significant impact.
  • We urge you to use our recommendations, found here:  Ballot recommendations General Election 2020


3)  Be sure to sign and date your outer envelope and use blue or black ink!

  • Each general election, thousands of ballots cannot be counted because the voter forgot to sign their envelope.  Be sure to sign yours!
  • Also be sure to date your envelope. If the postmark is unreadable, under state law the election office uses the handwritten date to determine if the ballot can be counted as on time.
  • Fill in your ovals completely, and use ONLY blue or black ink.  Other colors cannot be read clearly by the tabulation scanner.


4)  Vote as early as you can, but no later than 8:00pm on November 3rd!

  • After October 27, we recommend strongly that you drop your ballot in a drop box instead of mailing it.
  • The ballot drop boxes close at 8pm SHARP on November 3rd.