Call to August 2021 Endorsement Meeting

With the Primary votes mostly tallied, the candidates who will move forward to the General election have become clear.  We have experienced some success with many endorsed candidates moving on, and some sadness for endorsed candidates who will not be on the ballot in November.

On August 18th, the members of the 46th District will meet to determine district endorsements for the 2021 General Election.

This is the official call to the August Endorsement Meeting of the 46th District Democrats.

When:  Wednesday, August 18, 7:00pm

Where:  Via Zoom

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

You must be a member in good standing, and have been one since no later than July 28, 2021, to vote at this meeting.  Members in good standing are PCOs, dues-paid members, and members who have asked for their dues to be waived for 2021.  Under our rules, 2020 Members may renew their membership up until 5:30pm the day of the meeting.

As we expect the business of endorsements to take up the entirety of the Agenda, this will be the only item of business for the evening that is not a brief officer or committee report.


Endorsements Meeting Agenda:

  • Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Consideration of Endorsements

Following the Endorsement Rules passed by the district membership, the races placed on the agenda for consideration in August 2021 are those races where an endorsed candidate for the Primary will not be continuing on to the General Election, or those races in which a candidate was not endorsed for the Primary, and thus have not exhausted the endorsement process under the adopted 2021 Endorsement Rules.   

Due to the need to allow candidates time to attend multiple meetings in one night, the races will be considered in the following order:

  • Mayor of Seattle
  • Seattle City Attorney
  • Seattle City Council, Position 9
  • King County Executive
  • Shoreline Public Schools, Director Pos. 2
  • Seattle Public Schools, Director Pos. 4
  • Seattle Public Schools, Director Pos. 5
  • Seattle Public Schools, Director Pos. 7
  • Northshore Fire District 16

Ballot Measures:

Information on Candidate Races:

In the following races, both candidates are eligible for consideration at press time, under 46th LD rules, and each race will be considered separately:

  • King County Executive (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)
  • Mayor of Seattle (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)
  • Seattle Public Schools, Director Pos. 4 (was not on a 46th ballot, so not considered for the Primary)

The following races have only one candidate eligible for consideration at press time, under 46th LD rules, and will be considered as a single ballot with the options of the eligible candidate and "take no action". (Or if the second candidate applies to be endorsed in the intervening days.)

Last update: 8/16/21

  • Seattle City Attorney (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)
  • Seattle City Council, Position 9 (endorsed candidate unfortunately did not advance to the General)
  • Seattle Public Schools, Director Pos. 5 (was not on a 46th ballot, so not considered for the Primary)
  • Seattle Public Schools, Director Pos. 7 (was not on a 46th ballot, so not considered for the Primary)
  • Shoreline Public Schools, Director Pos. 2 (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)
  • Northshore Fire District #16, Commissioner Pos. 5 (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)

The following races have no candidates eligible for consideration, under 46th LD rules, and will not be considered unless one or more candidates apply for consideration in the intervening days.)

Last update: 8/16/21

  • North City Water District (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)
  • Public Hospital District No. 2 (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)
  • Northshore Fire District #16, Commissioner Pos. 3 (no candidate endorsed in the Primary)

We hope to see you on August 18th!