Call to April 20 District Meeting - House Candidate Forum!
This is the Official Call to the April Meeting of the 46th LD Democrats Click here to register for the meeting. We have our first major candidate forum on tap for this meeting! We will also hear about an upcoming ballot measure signature gathering campaign, and hear from some judicial candidates. Mark your calendars for 7pm - 9:00pm on Wednesday, April 20! Everyone welcome!
Call to Meeting
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Zoom link to register for meeting
6:30pm - Chat and check your tech
Proposed Agenda (please note adjustments from first draft):
- Call to Order (7:01pm)
- Land Acknowledgement (7:03pm)
- Adoption of Agenda (7:05pm)
- Two minutes with Judicial and County Prosecutor Candidates (7:10pm)
- Reminder that membership rolls close for the endorsement meeting at 11:59pm on May 1
- Adopt Geographic Changes to the LD Bylaws (removal of references to "Kenmore" and "Lake Forest Park")
Candidate Forum: 46th LD House Seats (7:30pm SHARP)
- Pos 1: Gerry Pollet
- Pos 2: Nancy Connelly
- Pos 2: Darya Farivar
- Pos 2: Nina Martinez
- Pos 2: Lelach Rave
- Pos 2: Melissa Taylor
- State Party Chair Tina Podlodowski (8:30pm) – subject to change
- House our Neighbors presentation (8:45pm)
- Approval of March Minutes
- Treasurer's Report
- Calendar thru June 2022
- Committee and Officer Reports
- Good of the Order
New to the 46th? The names of all members in good standing of the 32nd, 36th, and 43rd LDs who were re-districted into the "new" 46th have been provided to us by your former district, and your membership will be recognized by the 46th. Welcome!
Districted out of the 46th? If you were a member of the 46th district in the first three months of the year, you remain an "Associate Member" of the 46th District, and will continue to receive our communications.
Please register for the Zoom meeting as early as possible, so your voting credential can be generated and meeting materials issued to members in good standing prior to the meeting. We can avoid a bottleneck as the meeting starts if you register early - at least three days before the meeting.