Call to Meeting – August 27, 2024

Hello 46th District Democrats --

This is your updated CALL TO MEETING for the August Membership Meeting, to be held on August 27, 2024, now including a link to the Draft Code of Conduct.

NEW DATE: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
TIME: 7:00pm
LOCATION:  This meeting will be held on Zoom


To request an accommodation, please follow the steps outlined on the 46th Dems Accommodations Request Process. Forty-eight hours notice is appreciated.

Eligible voters will receive a voting code (for balloted votes only), at the email address provided for their 46th District Democrats membership, the night before the scheduled meeting. For questions regarding voting codes, please email Effective Meetings Chair, Nathan Antonio, at [email protected]


Memberships expire on January 31 of each year, in accordance with our Standing Rules. Those who were paid members in the previous year (i.e. 2023) can renew at any time (or be granted a dues waiver), and your membership will become active 24 hours later. All others will have their memberships become active 21 days after paying dues (or being granted a dues waiver). For questions on the status of your membership, email Membership Chair, Scott Alspach at [email protected]

Refer to the Bylaws and Standing Rules for more information. Renew and/or learn how to receive a waiver here:




Proposing Amendments: Opportunities for Members to provide comments on and engage in editing the Code of Conduct proposed language were shared and advertised in April and June. With this final draft in hand, Members who now wish to propose further changes to the 46th District Democrats Proposed Code of Conduct are encouraged to do so in advance of the August 27 meeting, by emailing a written amendment to [email protected]. Amendments proposed during the August meeting must be provided in writing, and clearly identify the section(s) to be amended.

Overview: The proposed Code of Conduct is intended to help our meetings and work go smoothly and help all our participants feel respected, even during discussions about difficult issues. The proposed code of conduct applies to meetings, events, and forums sponsored by the 46th District Democrats and to other situations where someone is actively representing the organization. The code encourages positive actions and norms. It also defines unacceptable behaviors and describes the process for the Code of Conduct committee to investigate complaints and recommend consequences for violations. Warnings and reprimands will generally be utilized before consideration of more serious consequences that require a majority vote of the membership.

Sections of the Code of Conduct are:

6.1 Preamble
6.2 Scope
6.3 Encouraged Behaviors: Community Agreements
6.4 Unacceptable Conduct
6.5 Accountability Procedures for Violations of the Code of Conduct

Background: Since September 2023, the Bylaws & Rules Committee has been drafting a Code of Conduct (CoC) to replace placeholder language in the Standing Rules, which was adopted in March 2023. The committee reviewed and drew from the conduct code language for the Washington State Democrats, the King County Democrats, other LD Democratic organizations (31st, 34th, 36th, 43rd), and as well as some organizations recommended by our committee members.

Draft language was circulated to the 46th membership for review in June. Eight (8) members provided comments, with five (5) members suggesting changes. The Bylaws & Rules Committee discussed the comments at a June 25 meeting and modified the draft language in response to many comments. Members can review the comments and responses in this Comments/Questions-draft CoC spreadsheet. The spreadsheet provides a link to the draft CoC with markup on changes made by the committee. Additional wording clarifications and numbering adjustments were made by the Co-Chairs to finalize the proposal. The 46th District Democrats Proposed Code of Conduct will be presented and voted on at our August 27 Membership Meeting.



If you have any questions regarding the meeting or registration, please email [email protected]

We hope to see you at the meeting!

– Hunter Brown

Chair, 46th District Democrats

[email protected]