Conversation with Mike Pellicciotti

Rep. Mike Pellicciotti at playground pre-COVID campaigning for State Treasurer
State Representative Mike Pellicciotti is running to ensure we have a Democratic State Treasurer.
Please join Kathy Sakahara and Gerry Pollet to introduce Mike to 46th District Democrats
via Zoom on Tuesday June 30 at 5 PM
Conversation with our next Democratic State Treasurer, Mike Pellicciotti
co-hosted by Rep. Gerry Pollet & Kathy Sakahara
Please join Rep. Mike Pellicciotti with Rep. Gerry Pollet and Kathy Sakahara for an online persona conversation to discuss the importance of having a progressive Democratic State Treasurer to replace the current regressive Republican and other timely topics for Washington state. 
Sign up today to reserve your spot!
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 5:00 PM PST
Click this link to sign up:
Guests who RSVP by making a contribution of any size will be sent the link and instructions for how to join the reception prior to the event. For any questions, contact Sara at [email protected]
Please note that the campaign has found that security of the Zoom events increase if people preregister and contribute any amount.
A note from Representative Pollet:
Please join me on Tuesday June 30 from 5 to 6 PM to introduce you to Representative Mike Pellicciotti who is running to turn the embarrassing page from our State having a regressive State Treasurer. When you meet Mike you can't help to be energized about what we can accomplish on a new page for our State with a progressive, far-sighted Democratic State Treasurer.
Mike has been a great voice for open government and equity in the State House. He is one of the most intelligent attorneys I've met in public service. Indeed, I'm sorry to lose him in the House but excited for what he can do as State Treasurer.
Mike's worked hard in the legislature to champion open government laws to get 'dark money' out of Washington politics and to ban foreign corporate money in our campaigns. Mike is one of the only state elected officials who has never accepted any corporate donations. When not in the legislature, Mike serves as an Assistant Attorney General, where he managed a unit that combated financial fraud and government waste, managing the return of over $30 million to taxpayers from corporate healthcare fraud. Learn more:
Sign up today to reserve your spot!
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 5:00 PM PST
Click this link to sign up:
Guests who RSVP by making a contribution of any size will be sent the link and instructions for how to join the reception prior to the event. For any questions, contact Sara at [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you (virtually for now)!
Representative Gerry Pollet