February 16, 2022 District Meeting - 7:00pm

This is the very last meeting of the 2012-2022 46th District Democrats, before we become the 2022-2032 46th District Democrats, and a night to meet the candidates for the open House seat, as well as several judicial candidates!

Click here to register for the meeting.

The meeting starts at 7:00pm, and we will have a "What happens next?" meet and greet for PCOs, and members of both the "old" 46th, and the "new 46th" at 6:00pm before the meeting.

I hope you will join us, as we celebrate the past, present, and the future of the 46th District Democrats.  

Mark your calendars for 7pm - 9:30pm tonight, Wednesday, February 16th!  Register Here!

Also, from 6pm - 7:00pm, we will have a meet, greet, and Q&A about the transition from the old district to the new district. The environment and climate caucus has graciously offered their normal time spot for this month - but they will be back!  Talks are underway for an expanded ECC caucus to cover several of the northwestern LDs in the future.  Everyone welcome!  (Same Zoom link)


Call to Meeting

Wednesday, February 16th - 7:00pm

6:00pm - PCO and member ship meet and greet and District transition Q&A (same link)

Zoom link to register for meeting

Proposed Agenda:

  • Call to Order
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Moment of Silence
  • Review of Meeting Etiquette and Norms
  • Guest Speakers:  Judicial Candidates
  • Assisting Afghan Refugees resettled in Washington presentation
  • Membership Drive: If you are a member on February 24, you are eligible to participate in the LD caucus on March 26
  • PCO Appointments
  • Introductions: Candidates for House Position 1, and Senate
  • Guest Speakers:  The candidates for 46th LD open house race in 2022
  • What’s Up with Redistricting? Brief Update
  • Presentation: 2022 Caucus and Convention cycles
  • Physical vs. Virtual Meeting Update, and Calendar thru June 2022
  • 2022 Budget Adoption (Treasury and PDC report included)
  • Report on the Raymond T. Cole Fund 
  • Vacancies on the Executive Board (a motion will be entertained to fill these positions in March, when the new members of the district, coming in from the 43rd, 32nd, and 36th will be eligible to run.)
  • Good of the Order

Reminder:  to vote in 2022, you must be either a PCO, or have renewed your membership for 2022.  PCOs who have moved out of their precinct and changed their voter registration have effectively resigned. If you were a member in 2021, you may do so in advance of this meeting by clicking here.  If you were not a member in 2021, if you join now, you are eligible to vote at the March meeting on the third Wednesday, and the Legislative District Caucus on March 26th.  We have a 21-days in advance membership requirement for completely new members.

Please register as early as possible, so your voting credential can be generated and issued prior to the meeting.  We can avoid a bottleneck as the meeting starts if you register early. 

If you are moved out of district later this spring by redistricting, we will transfer your membership and dues over to your new district.  We are already in communication with the surrounding districts to do so. So don’t let redistricting make you hesitate to re-up for 2022!