File for PCO! 2020
Monday, May 11th @9:00am - Friday, May 15th @4:00pm
Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) are elected officials of the Democratic Party. They are the primary conduit between voters in their neighborhoods and the Democratic Party.
Quick File for PCO - Click Here!
PCOs do the following:
- Elect the leadership of their local party organizations (legislative district and county)
- Elect the representatives of their local party organizations to the State Party's governing body, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC, which elects the leadership of the State Party,)
- Participate in the appointment process when vacancies occur in partisan offices held by a Democrat (PCOs choose which candidates are submitted to county government for appointment,)
- Attend meetings of their district Democratic organization,
- Build relationships with voters in their neighborhood, finding out what issues motivate their neighbors and sharing that information with local parties and campaigns,
- Deliver literature to their neighbors for the Primary and General Election,
- Participate in the candidate and ballot issue endorsement process of their local party organizations, and...
- Much more!
How Do I Run for Precinct Committee Officer?
- Be a registered voter in your precinct,
- File as a Democratic PCO candidate with King County elections by May 15th
- If elected, you'll serve a two-year term starting December 1, 2020.
If you're the only candidate in your precinct running for Democratic PCO, you'll be automatically elected right after Filing Week is over. If multiple candidates run in your precinct, the candidate names appear on the August 4th Primary ballot and the voters in your precinct will vote to elect a PCO from the list of candidates.
We'll be posting new news and Democratic announcements twice a week during this challenging period - let us know if there's anything you would like to learn more about at [email protected]