Help T’wina Nobles Win in LD28 & Phonebank 10/5, @5-7:30pm
Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets on our big weekend push! We are up over $7,250 for our ballot drop fundraiser, that is helping to fund our big GOTV push. We set ambitious outreach goals with both a massive sample ballot mailer and a run of postcards at the printer right now. Make sure to pick up a ticket!
We are 29 days away from Election Day on November 3rd, and 9 days until ballots are mailed out. A quick reminder that we have our weekly phonebank tonight; sign up at these links:
- Zoom Registration: Zoom Training & Hangout
- Phonebank Registration: NGP VAN Phonebank
Weeks like this remind us anew the dire situation our country is in. The moral, spiritual, and now physical sickness that emanates from the White House has reached a fever pitch, and we need to recognize that the threat of Trumpism isn’t confined to DC. This weekend, the Republican candidate for Governor of Washington, Loren Culp, stated in an interview that “our Founding Fathers hated democracy… The problem with Democracy — you can look at quotes from famous Chinese leaders like Mao, Gorbachev — they loved Democracy because Democracy is a step toward socialism, which is a step towards communism.”
In the 28th LD, the Republican State Senate incumbent, Steve O’Ban has been running a campaign shamelessly assisted by racist dogwhistles. In the summer, his supporters sent out mailers that deliberately darkened the skin of his opponent, our friend, T’wina Nobles. Just this past week, at the Thursday phonebanks that we have been promoting, we learned that the Republican campaign has been spreading falsehoods about her having a criminal record; again a bigoted smear.
If you are fed up with these types of racist tactics and are motivated to fight them, I hope you join me in supporting T’wina’s GOTV phonebank efforts every Thursday from 5 – 7:30pm. Last week, our efforts focused on reaching friendly Democratic voters and reminding them to vote, so every connection we can make is a vote we need to bank. She beat O’Ban by only 235 votes out of 44,000+ in the August primary, and she needs our help to claim victory in November.
- LD28 GOTV Phonebank Registration: Every Thursday @5pm-7:30
Finally, if you are looking to be involved in our GOTV efforts, make sure to fill out our Form so we can get in contact: GOTV Form.
In Solidarity,
Marty Ross
Vice Chair, 46th LD Democrats