In Case You Missed It: February Membership Meeting Recap + Meeting Dates Survey Link

Hello 46th District Democrats –

Last Wednesday, we held our first Regular Membership Meeting of the year, which introduced three other firsts as well:

  1. It was my first membership meeting serving as your Chair, and I want to give my thanks for the grace everyone showed me and the amazing team that made the meeting such as success!
  2. It was our first time using a Consent Agenda, which I credit with helping us shave several minutes off our meeting time, and helped us usher in a more efficient way of doing our business.
  3. It was our first time live streaming our meeting to our YouTube channel. This new practice makes our meetings more accessible than ever, and if you haven't yet, go subscribe to our channel at

Other business covered at the meeting included the appointment of Melissa Taylor as Treasurer; the appointment of PCOs Matthew Mitnick, Rob Jenks, Erica Cannatelli, and Jeffrey L. Cox; and the passage of all E-Board recommended motions and resolutions. 

See the Feb 15 2023 Meeting Chat Links and Comments for all the need-to-know info from the meeting.

📢 And be sure to fill out our survey with your Preferred 46th District Dems Regular Membership Meeting Dates. With the new composition of the district, we would like to determine what monthly meeting day will work best for our membership.

This survey will remain open until Wednesday, March 1 at noon. We will then share the results at the March 15 Regular Membership Meeting.

Thanks again to everyone who attended on Wednesday, and to all of our volunteers who made our meeting run smoothly. I hope to see you at our next meeting on Wednesday, March 15 at 7pm!

– Chair Hunter Brown
46th District Democrats

[email protected]