Looking Forward to the Next Year - Endorsements Task Force
Original post 11/07/20, Update 11/15/20: Second task force brainstorming meeting will be Monday, November 16 @ 7:00pm - link below. Other opportunities for committees and leadership roles will be posted Weds., November 18th.
We have some upcoming opportunities for you to contribute ideas, ask questions, and have your say in the planning phase of several areas, in anticipation of the 2021 local election cycle.
Details follow in this email, but the primary areas in which we are asking for your help are below. We hope you will consider joining one or more committees:
1) Endorsement Rules Task Force for 2021 - work starts this month!
2) Re-organization planning team and Committees for the new year survey – coming November 18th
Think about the committees you may wish to serve on in 2021-22, including:
Re-organization Meeting Planning, Bylaws and Rules, Communications, Community Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion, Elections, Finance, Legislative Action, Membership and Credentials, Platform and Resolutions, Program, Raymond T. Cole Fund, Tally, Technology
To see a guide to committees, please click here. (coming soon)
To see a guide to officers and their duties, please click here. (coming soon)
Endorsement Rules Task Force for 2021
You’re invited to participate in the 46th District Democrats’ 2021 Endorsement Rules Task Force.
Task Force meetings are open to all interested members and PCOs of the 46th District Democrats.
Two initial Task Force meetings will be held on: Saturday, November 14 (10am – noon), and Monday, November 16 (7pm – 9pm)
Both initial meetings will have identical agendas and formats. You may attend just one November meeting, or both. Zoom links for both below.
The purpose of the 2021 Endorsement Rules Task Force is to consider potential changes to the 2021 Endorsement Rules and process through an organized and open discussion forum that allows for thorough consideration of improvements and alternative approaches prior to the District membership’s vote on proposed rules in February 2021. The Task Force will advise the Rules Committee on Endorsement Rules and process that is fair, transparent, equitable, and effective.
Each initial meeting will focus on shared learning about current Endorsement Rules practices and rationales through a brief presentation with discussion. We will then facilitate a member discussion to (1) develop a list of questions to be answered, (2) develop a list of issues or Rules changes that the Task Force will strive to address, and (3) discuss the Task Force’s goals and process. Debate or refusal of ideas will be discouraged at the initial meetings, rather members will be encouraged to ask questions, identify concerns, and propose issues for further discussion.
Monday Nov. 16th 7-9 PM via Zoom
The 46th District Democrats are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 46th District Endorsement Rules Task Force Intro Meeting #2
Time: Nov 16, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(Zoom opens at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7:00pm)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 0898 7653
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