Materials for the March 30th Meeting

With just 24 hours to go until our March meeting, this is just a quick reminder to mark your calendar, set your alerts, and register for your voting credential, if you are a member.

Click here to register for the meeting.

We have an excellent program on tap for our first regular monthly meeting!  We will also be doing some important District business, such as electing some officers to vacancies in our new configuration, and considering standing endorsement rules for 2022.

Mark your calendars for 7pm - 9:30pm on Wednesday, March 30!  Register Here!

Everyone welcome!


Call to Meeting

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Mark your calendars and save the Zoom link for Wednesday, March 30th at 7:00pm!

Zoom link to register for meeting

Voting Credentials Issued to those registered on Zoom about 1 hour before the meeting via email.

6:30pm - Chat and check your tech

7:00pm - Call to Order

Proposed Agenda:

  • Call to Order
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Review of Meeting Etiquette and Norms
  • Nominations for Offices
  • VIP Elected Official Guest Speaker
  • Legislative Session Review
  • Candidate Introductory Panel:  46th LD Senate position in 2022
  • Elections for Vacancies on the Executive Board. Redistricting has left us with some vacancies - are you interested in a leadership role? If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at [email protected]
    • State Committee Rep (must be female or gender non-binary identifying)
    • KCDCC Rep (must be female or gender non-binary identifying)
    • KCDCC Alternates (Both)
    • At least 2 At Large Positions  
  • Physical vs. Virtual Meeting Update, and Calendar thru June 2022
  • Consideration of Endorsement Rules for 2022 
  • Good of the Order

New to the 46th? The names of all PCOs and members in good standing as of February 24th (the district transfer date) of the 32nd, 36th, and 43rd LDs who were re-districted into the "new" 46th have been provided to us by your former district, and your membership will be recognized by the 46th. Welcome!

Please register for the Zoom meeting as early as possible, so your voting credential can be generated and issued prior to the meeting.  We can avoid a bottleneck as the meeting starts if you register early.