Opportunity to be a Delegate!
If you want to make a difference and help write the Platform of the Democratic Party of the State of Washington in 2022, then you should run for delegate to the Democratic Convention to be held this June 25th.
Click Here for Draft 2022 WSDCC Platform
Do you see a plank that you want to change? The way to do that is to be a convention delegate, and the only way to become a convention delegate is to register and attend the Caucus this Saturday!*
Sign up here to run to be a Convention delegate
The Caucus is all online, and it's easy to sign up and attend!
*Note: if you cannot attend the caucus on Saturday due to religious reasons, work, or other conflict, but wish to run for delegate, please contact [email protected], and we can make accommodations for you, and assist you.
Who is running for delegate already?
Voters Guide to Candidates for Delegate
The Caucus will be held via Zoom meeting on Saturday, March 26th, starting at 10:00am. The Zoom meeting will open at 9:00am to start check-in.
You do not need to be a party member already to run for delegate - you can join when your register!
Register in advance for the caucus Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqceChrzIqE9czUvwYsna6iGv1xFXyJ_VD
Register to run for Delegate:
Sign up here to run to be a Convention delegate
Have you Been moved to a New District?
(Reminder: Lake Forest Park and Kenmore are now part of the 1st LD, and Laurelhurst is now part of the 43rd LD. Windermere remains in the 46th LD. The 1st LD Dems and the 43rd LD Dems each have a caucus on Saturday, too. Links to their websites:
1st Legislative District Democrats Caucus Page
43rd Legislative District Caucus Page
Information about the convention:
This convention will be held physically in Tacoma, Washington, with a virtual participation option for those who would prefer to not attend in person.
Any individual who resides in the district and identifies themselves as a Democrat and will be 16 on or before General Election Day is eligible to run and serve as a Delegate to the State Convention, regardless of whether they are a district member, or not. US Citizenship is not required to be a convention delegate.
Sign up here to run to be a Convention delegate
Click here for Proposed Caucus Agenda and Rules
Click here to register for the Zoom meeting
If you need ANY assistance with the caucus itself or running for convention delegate, please contact [email protected]
On behalf of the Executive Board of the 46th District, we look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday, March 26th!