Week 3 Fighting 46th Organizing Challenge!

"The LDs are the direct connection between the voter and the Democratic Party. A strong LD is able to engage every neighborhood precinct by precinct, making sure that every community is heard and has a seat at the table. When you join your local LD, you become another plank in the bridge connecting communities to their representation and helping ensure the party, therefore, reflects the values and priorities of those communities it seeks to represent. We need all voices and views to shape the party of today and build the party of tomorrow." -Councilmember Girmay Zahilay

We made it to Week Three!!! All goals are reached one step at a time.

This week, can you commit to recruiting one new member for the 46th LD Dems?

Just one. It can even be you!

Getting started is always the hardest part, but if we can each find one friend, neighbor, or family member who shares our values and wants to see more Democrats elected to office, we will exceed all our goals. 

If you have any questions or want to make calls together, please drop by our virtual office hours Sundays from 2 - 4pm.

***Link to Sunday Office Hours: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88524232182

Good luck and happy organizing! 

Team 46th