Call to 2021 Reorganization Meeting
Members in good standing received this message on January 3rd from Shasti Conrad, Chair of the King County Democrats.
To ensure that all PCOs and Members in good standing receive the Call to the 2021 Reorganization Meeting, we are using the "belt and suspenders" plan of sending the call out three times - once via the KCDCC listserv, and once via the 46th District membership list, and through this post on the website.
-Julie Anne Kempf, chair, 46th LD Democrats
Dear Elected PCOs and Members of the 46th District Democrats:
Pursuant to Washington State Law and the Charter and Bylaws of the Washington State Democrats, you are hereby called to the 46th District Democrats 2021 Reorganization Meeting on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 6:00pm.
This is the opportunity to elect your leaders for the next two-year term, and to regroup after successfully electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, and Democrats up and down the ballot in Washington!
I have worked with your current District Chair, Julie Anne Kempf, Vice Chair Marty Ross, and the 46th's executive board members, to ensure that we have put together the best possible re-organization meeting under the ongoing difficult conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic emergency.
- Shasti Conrad, chair, King County Democrats
Please find attached a packet of information that will include everything that you need to know!
Meeting information packet file: Click Here
Agenda and rules are in the packet. Please do not hesitate to ask, if you have any questions, at [email protected].
5:00 PM Credential Check-in Opens - 6:00 PM Call to order
You must pre-register for the meeting, and we encourage you to register at least one day before the meeting so we know the number of participants and can set up the technology to accommodate everyone.
Meeting registration link - Click Here
Who is running for office? Voters Guide for the Re-Organization Elections - Click Here
Do you wish to run for 46th district office for the 2021-22 term?
Read about the offices available by clicking here
Ask any questions you may have at: [email protected]
Declare for office by sending an email to [email protected]
Send your candidate statement (optional) to Candidate Filing and Statement
* You will be asked to submit your candidate statement at the end of the candidate filing form, so we strongly recommend that you pre-draft a statement of 250 words (350 for Vice Chair and State Committee Members, and 500 for Chair) that you can cut-and-paste into the appropriate field on the questionnaire, rather than try to write directly into the form.
Candidate statements submitted by 10pm on Sunday, Jan 10 will be published at midnight on Monday, Jan 11th. Others submitted after that date will be added on a rolling basis within 6 hours of submission 7am - 10pm each day.
Do you want to join a district committee for 2021-22?
We currently have the following standing committees, and ad hoc committees are appointed from time to time. The standing committees are: Bylaws and Rules, Communications, Community Outreach, Elections, Finance, Legislative Action, Membership and Credentials, Platform and Resolutions, Program, Raymond T. Cole Fund, Tally, and Technology.
Learn about district committees by clicking here