46th LD Blog

NOTICE: Our March Membership Meeting is being RESCHEDULED

We are writing to inform you of a necessary change in schedule for our upcoming March Regular Membership Meeting.

In order to honor our members who celebrate the Persian New Year, Nowruz, the originally scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 19 is being rescheduled to Thursday, March 21, still at 7pm, and still on Zoom. Please register here. If you have previously registered for the March 19 meeting, you do not need to register again. Your registration has been moved to the rescheduled meeting date and the link in your confirmation email for the March 19 meeting will still work for the March 21 meeting.

The official Call to Meeting email will be sent out no later than March 11, 2024.

We understand the importance of your time and commitment, and we apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause. However, this adjustment is essential to demonstrating our commitment to inclusivity and recognizing the vibrant tapestry of cultures that make up our membership.

Please mark the updated date and time in your calendars. We value your participation and input, and we look forward to your continued engagement in our efforts to strengthen and promote our shared values within the 46th Legislative District.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this rescheduling, please feel free to contact [email protected]

Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you at the meeting!

– Hunter Brown

Chair, 46th District Democrats

[email protected]

46th District Dems February 2024 News Roundup

Hello 46th District Democrats ­– 

Here's what our organization was up to in February!

February 26 Regular Membership Meeting


Our February meeting was called to order at 7:18pm and adjourned at 10:28pm. Approximately 203 members and guests attended over the course of the evening. Here are some highlights from the meeting:

Following a welcome and declaration of quorum, by Chair Hunter Brown, and a Land Acknowledgement, by Member At Large Debbie Carlsen, we covered the following business item:

While we had two Resolutions to consider on the agenda, we were only able to consider one – Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza. As we proceeded to consider the 10 Proposed Amendments presubmitted by two members, it was agreed by the submitters that we would first consider Amendment #10, "Unity Resolution on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza." The amendment was approved, and as such, all other proposed amendments became moot, as they were all in regards to the original resolution's text (which was now replaced by the text of Amendment #10, becoming the main motion).

Another member then proposed a new amendment to the main motion. During debate on that amendment, someone moved to postpone to next meeting, which was then interrupted by a motion to eject a member from the meeting, which was then interrupted by a motion to adjourn, which passed and we adjourned with the main motion still on the floor. The main motion and proposed amendment will be on the agenda for the March 19, 2024 Regular Membership Meeting.

See the February 27, 2024 Meeting Chat Links and Messages for the meeting Agenda and all your need-to-know info from the meeting.

⭐ SATURDAY: Join us for this in-person event

Saturday, March 2; 2:00-3:30pm at the Northgate Public Library

The 46th District Democrats invite you to a program featuring ideas and actions concerning our current Healthcare crisis and what individuals like you can do to support improvements.

We'll hear from speaker, Ronnie Shure, President of Healthcare for All – Washington; Board Member, Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action; and Co-Chair, Health Care is a Human Right - Washington.

The following Metro bus routes stop at the library: 20, 67, 75, 347, 348. The library is also a 7-block walk from the Northgate Link Lightrail station. This program is not sponsored by the Seattle Public Library.

For more information on this program, email Kathy Bentson and Sylvia Haven at [email protected]

Register to run for State or National Delegate

The 2024 Washington State Democratic Convention will be held on June 22, 2024. Over 1,000 state delegates will be elected by the local Democratic Party organizations in the state’s 49 legislative districts. Delegates to the state convention will nominate the Party’s candidates for Governor and other statewide offices, approve the State Party’s official platform, and conduct other Party business. State convention delegates will also be eligible to attend caucuses in the state’s ten congressional districts, where they will vote on the election of national delegates.

CLICK HERE to register to run for State and/or National Delegate and see other candidates running for delegate in our directory page here. If you’re looking for more information please visit our Delegate Information Hub here, or join us for a virtual training on how to run!

Registration is open until 5:00pm on March 31, and delegates will be elected by members of their Legislative District Democratic Party on April 6, 2024.

🚨 Canvas with King County Democrats

Scott an Tara

There are thousands of voters across King County who haven't been identified as a Democrat or Republican. We need to accurately identify them so we can more effectively Get Out The Vote when election time comes!

Join us as we doorbell in Issaquah, identify Democratic voters, and remind them to vote in the March 12th Presidential Primary! If this is your first time, we'll provide training and pair you up with an experienced canvassing buddy. Everyone who canvasses gets a free King County Democrats "I Voted" T-shirt!

Canvassing events are scheduled for:

Sunday, March 3, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday, March 10, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Click HERE to sign up for a canvassing event.

 Looking Ahead ….

  • 46th District Democrats Program Event: Is there a pathway to Universal Healthcare TOMORROW, Saturday, March 2; 2:00-3:30pm; at the Northgate Public Library, 10548 5th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125
    The 46th District Democrats invite you to a program featuring ideas and actions concerning our current Healthcare crisis and what individuals like you can do to support improvements. For more information on this program, email Kathy Bentson and Sylvia Haven at [email protected]

  • 46th District Democrats Bylaws & Rules Committee – Monday, March 4; 7:00-8:00pm
    Register here

  • 46th District Democrats Environmental Caucus – Monday, March 4; 7:00-8:99pm
    These monthly meetings are now being held on the 1st Monday of each month. Click here to log on.

  • 46th District Democrats Executive Committee Meeting – Tuesday, March 5; 7:00-9:00pm
    These monthly meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Register here.

  • 46th District Democrats Effective Meetings Meeting – Sunday, March 17; 7:00-8:00pm
    These monthly meetings are held the Sundays before our monthly Regular Membership Meetings. Register here.

  • 46th District Democrats Regular Membership Meeting – Tuesday, March 19, at 7:00pm
    These monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesdays of each. Register here.

  • 46th District Dems PCO Committee Meeting – Tuesday, March 26; 7:00-8:00pm
    Register here.

  • 46th District Democrats Policy Committee Meeting – Thursday, March 28, at 6:30-8:00pm
    These monthly meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month. Register here.

🏛️ Connect with our 46th Legislative Delegation

Find out what State Senator, Javier Valdez, Representative, Gerry Pollet and Representative, Darya Farivar are up to by signing up for their newsletters:

Sen. Javier Valdez: https://senatedemocrats.wa.gov/valdez/e-newsletter/
Rep. Gerry Pollet: https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/pollet/e-news/
Rep. Darya Farivar: https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/farivar/e-news/

📢 Looking for a past meeting?

No problem! You can find recordings of many of our past meetings on our 46th District Dems YouTube Channel (subscribe today!) And now that we live stream Regular Membership Meetings directly on YouTube, most recordings can be found under the "Live" tab.

📌 Last but not least ….

Renew your membership (or start a new one) TODAY!

Dues support the costs associated with running the 46th Legislative District, and give you voting power at Membership Meetings, for such items as endorsing candidates, ballot measures and resolutions; electing some executive board positions like At-Large Members of the Executive Board; and adopting and amending our budget.

We have several contribution levels:

  • Student / Limited Income ($10)
  • Individual ($40)
  • Couple/Family ($60)
  • 4600 Club ($100)
  • Friend of the 46th ($250)
  • Benefactor of the 46th ($500)

Join at https://www.46dems.org/become_a_member. For questions about the status of your membership, email Membership Chair, Scott Alspach, at [email protected]

THANK YOU for reading, and for being part of our dynamic organization. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but together, we will fuel a BLUE WAVE this election season! We're excited to be walking and working along side you.

Hunter Brown and Lisa Rivera
Chair and Vice-Chair
46th District Democrats