46th LD Blog

Ideas and Actions Concerning our Current HealthCare Crisis

Is There a Pathway to Universal Healthcare?

Find out on March 2 at this In-Person Event!


Ideas and Actions Concerning our Current HealthCare Crisis

Saturday, March 2; 2:00-3:30pm at the Northgate Public Library, 10548 Fifth Ave. NE

The 46th District Democrats invite you to a program featuring ideas and actions concerning our current Healthcare crisis and what individuals like you can do to support improvements.

We'll hear from speaker, Ronnie Shure, President of Healthcare for All – Washington; Board Member, Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action; and Co-Chair, Health Care is a Human Right - Washington.

The following Metro bus routes stop at the library: 20, 67, 75, 347, 348. The library is also a 7-block walk from the Northgate Link Lightrail station. This program is not sponsored by the Seattle Public Library.

For more information on this program, email Kathy Bentson and Sylvia Haven at [email protected]



Rescheduled Call to Meeting – February 27, 2024

Hello 46th District Democrats --

I regret to inform you that we need to reschedule this month’s Regular Membership Meeting, due to an issue with the Call to Meeting email, that was sent out on Saturday, February 10. We’ve discovered that the email did not get sent to all members, as required by our Bylaws, Section 4.8.

The short version:
We are rescheduling the February Regular Membership Meeting for Tuesday, February 27, 2024; still at 7pm, and still on Zoom. Please register here. If you have previously registered for the February meeting, you do not need to register again. Your registration has been moved to the rescheduled meeting date and the link in your confirmation email for the Feb. 20 meeting will still work for the Feb. 27 meeting.

The long version:
We use a system called NationBuilder to manage our membership lists, as well as our website and email lists. A few months ago, in an effort to reach a broader audience, we began sending our emails to a list that included all email addresses in our system (instead of only sending our emails to our current members). Again, we did this to reach a broader audience, but did not realize that the new list was not automatically updating to include new members, as they joined our organization. This means that a number of new members were not sent proper notice for the November Regular Membership Meeting (7 members affected), the January Regular Membership Meeting (13 members affected), and for this month’s February Regular Membership Meeting (117 members affected). To address this, we are rescheduling the February Regular Membership Meeting for Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

We are incredibly sorry for the oversight, and are taking steps to make sure it does not happen again.

The above being said ...


This is your official CALL TO MEETING for the February 27, 2024 46th District Democrats Regular Membership Meeting, on Zoom.

DATE: Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024
TIME: 7:00pm
LOCATION:  This meeting will be held on Zoom



To request an accomodation, please follow the steps outlined on the 46th Dems Accommodations Request Process. Fourty-eight hours notice is appreciated.

Your voting code for balloted votes will be sent to the email address you provided for your 46th District Democrats membership, and will be sent within a day of the scheduled meeting.


Memberships expire on January 31 of each year, in accordance with our Standing Rules. Those who were paid members in 2023 can renew at any time (or be granted a dues waiver), and your membership will become active 24 hours later. All others will have their memberships become active 21 days after paying dues (or being granted a dues waiver). For questions on the status of your membership, email Membership Chair, Scott Alspach at [email protected]

Refer to the Bylaws and Standing Rules for more information. Renew and learn how to receive a waiver here: https://www.46dems.org/become_a_member




We have one Executive Board position, to consider during our February Meeting:

  • Member-at-Large

PCOs and Members in good standing are eligible to vote for this position. 

** UPDATED RULES FOR SELF-NOMINATION: PCOs and Members in good standing interested in filling this vacancy must:

You may also provide a written statement of up to 500 words, with or without a headshot. If you would like to submit a written statement, please do so when you self-nominate. Nominations and Statements will be posted to the website in the order they are received, but not later than Monday, February 26, 2024. 

The names of all self-nominated candidates and their statements will be added to our website here: https://www.46dems.org/candidates_for_eboard



If you have any questions regarding the meeting or registration, please email [email protected]

We hope to see you at the meeting!

– Hunter Brown

Chair, 46th District Democrats

[email protected]