46th LD Blog

Weekly GOTV Phone Bank and Yard Sign Distribution

We are 53 days away from November 3rd, Election Day. And importantly in Washington, we are only 33 days until ballots are mailed out. Here in the 46thLD, maximizing turnout is key to bringing progressive change to our state. Whether it’s returning our excellent delegation in the legislature or bringing big vote totals for state wide offices and initiatives, what happens in the 46th LD is crucial. Every vote is vital, and from now until Election Day, every day is important. We need to be both seen and heard!

First off: being heard! Because of the on-going COVID-19 outbreak, we are re-focusing our voter outreach from canvassing in-person to phone-banking. We’ll be able to reach more voters this way, while keeping our community safe. So while our PCOs will be calling their precincts as ballots drop to maximize turnout, we are also teaming up with the Washington State Democrats for a weekly phonebank from now to the election every Monday. We will be hosting a concurrent Zoom for training, real-time help, and to foster community for our local activists. Below are the relevant registration links for both the Zoom and the phonebank. Make sure to sign-up for both.

And make sure to check out our website calendar for the other phonebanks as well.

And secondly: being seen! There is an old adage that yard signs don’t vote. While technically true, it is important that we do what we can as a district within our borders to make sure our neighbors have that visual reminder, even in strange times, that it is election season and we all have to vote! So again to keep our community safe, we have built a distribution system for Yard Signs! You simply sign up that you are interested in any of our available yard signs and we’ll reach out to you straight away to arrange for either no-contact delivery or pick-up from one of our neighborhood sign distribution locations.

Lastly, we are still looking for volunteers in the 46th for all the outreach efforts that are upcoming, so if you haven’t yet filled out the sign-up form, you can do so here: GOTV Form.

In Solidarity,

Marty Ross
Vice Chair, 46th LD Democrats

Call to September 16th Meeting - 6:30pm, DEI speakers; Environmental Caucus 5:30pm


Our Wednesday, September 16th meeting will be held online with the opening program at a special time: 6:30pm.  Please join us for the following agenda items and register for the meeting here to receive updates and information on how to join.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Our September Meeting will feature:

  • An update on our weekly phone banks. Our first one was August 31, we took Labor Day off, and we will phonebank every Monday from September 14th on, from 5-8 pm. You can sign up for September 14th, 5pm - 8pm by clicking here
  • Ballot Measure Endorsements! You can view information for all of the ballot measures we will be considering on our meeting agenda sheet, below the agenda itself, here.  More information on local measures (County, City, and Special Purpose Districts) at the King County Elections website here
  • Resolutions: We are returning with improvements to the two resolutions sent to committee for refinement in August.   Links to both are on our documents page - scroll to the bottom for Resolutions.
  • Full Agenda is here.


WHEN: September 16th, 2020, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. We will open up the meeting at 5:30pm for anyone who wants to join early in order to test out the meeting software, or to attend the Environmental Caucus Meeting, which will be in a breakout room.

Environmental Caucus is at 5:30pm.  Join the meeting, and you will be routed to a breakout room if you wish to attend the Environmental Caucus meeting.

WHERE: Online, using Zoom! Registration is required, please do so here. Once you register you will receive the information to join the meeting as the meeting date approaches.

ACCESSIBILITY: Please reply to this email or contact [email protected] if you need any accessibility accommodations, or any assistance joining or participating in an online meeting. Voting will be much easier on a personal computer or tablet than it is over the phone. If you plan to join the meeting by phone please let us know so we can assist you in ensuring you are able to vote.

Eligibility to vote: In order to be eligible to vote new members must have joined 21 days in advance of the meeting. If you were a member in good standing of the 46th District Dems in 2019, you have until the beginning of the meeting to renew your membership and be eligible but we STRONGLY recommend renewing as early as possible to ensure you are eligible to vote and to ease the burden on our credentials and tally committee. Sign up to join the 46th District Democrats here.

Voting: Each eligible voter will be sent a Voter ID that they will use to vote during the meeting. Expect to receive your code a day or so before the meeting, along with more information about the voting process. Please let us know if you have any questions about the process before the meeting. We expect a large number of our members to attend this meeting and it will help things go much more smoothly if we are able to help you out with questions or technical difficulties before the meeting begins. Please send an email to [email protected] if you have questions about the voting process.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions about the endorsements meeting or otherwise and I look forward to "seeing" you on the 15th.  You can reach me at [email protected]

Look out for further emails and posts this week from us regarding opportunities to phone bank with the coordinated campaign, support our targeted sister district, the 28th LD of Pierce County (Elect T’wina Nobles!), support Kim Schrier in the 8th CD, and get a Biden-Harris yard sign!  You can sign up for volunteer opportunities here!


Biden-Harris Yard Signs!

Yes, we know that you are excited and anxious to get your yard signs for the next President and Vice President, as well as all of our other candidates on the ballot!

We will have a large scale distribution within the next few days, and you can sign up for a yard sign here.