46th LD Blog
46th District Dems January 2024 News Roundup
Hello 46th District Democrats –
Here's what our organization was up to in January!
⭐ January 16 Regular Membership Meeting
Our January meeting was called to order at 7:05pm and adjourned at 9:54pm. Approximately 102 members and guests attended, and here are some highlights from the meeting:
Following a welcome and declaration of quorum, by Vice Chair Lisa Rivera, and a Land Acknowledgement, by Member At Large Erica Lee, we covered the following business item:
- We approved the Consent Agenda.
- Following introductions from three King Conservation District Candidates, we held an endorsement vote.
King Conservation District Supervisor Seat #1 Results
63 Total Votes
Aaron Ellig - 27 votes - 42.9%
Brittney Bush Bollay - 52 votes - 82.5% ENDORSED
Erik Goheen - 22 votes - 34.9%
King Conservation District Supervisor Seat #1 Results
- We approved three Resolutions:
- We approved an Eboard Recommended Motion to adopt an inflation-based dues increase, as proposed by Membership Chair, Scott Alspach, effective January 16, 2024.
- Our new Contribution Levels are:
- Student / Limited Income ($10)
- Individual ($40)
- Couple/Family ($60)
- 4600 Club ($100)
- Friend of the 46th ($250)
- Benefactor of the 46th ($500)
- Our new Contribution Levels are:
Per our Standing Rules, memberships will expire after Jan 31 of each year. Those who were members in 2023 can renew anytime this year, and your membership and ability to vote will begin 24 hours later. For new members, your membership and ability to vote will begin 21 days after joining. Visit https://secure.actblue.com/donate/46membershiprenewal to join or renew today!
We also received legislative updates from our delegation members, Rep. Darya Farivar, Rep. Gerry Pollet and Sen. Javier Valdez.
See the January 16, 2024 Meeting Chat Links and Messages for the meeting Agenda and all your need-to-know info from the meeting.
⭐ DON'T MISS the KCD's 2024 Kickoff event, Feb. 11
2024 is a pivotal year for our democracy. Can you join the King County Dems for its 2024 Kickoff event to meet statewide candidates and hear more about how you can help with elections near and far?
Featured guests include:
- Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
- Congressman Adam Smith
- Congresswoman Kim Schrier
- King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci
- King County Councilmember Jorge Baron
- King County Councilmember Dave Upthegrove
- King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski
- King County Councilmember Girmay Zahila
- Statewide Candidates:
- Lt. Governor: Denny Heck
- Attorney General: Manka Dhingra, Nick Brown
- Commissioner of Public Lands: Patrick De Poe
- Insurance Commissioner: Patty Kuderer
- Superintendent of Public Instruction: Chris Reykdal
- State Treasurer: Mike Pellicciotti
More to come ...
There will be action stations to learn about being a delegate to the state and national conventions, becoming a PCO, boosting presidential primary turnout, postcard writing, canvass training and more! Food and drinks will be provided.
11am – event registration opens
12pm – speaking program
2pm – event closes
Space is limited. You must be on the RSVP list to attend.
If you're able to volunteer, please sign up here.
🗳️ Vote in the King Conservation District Supervisor election by Feb. 13
GO ONLINE to vote in the King Conservation District election for Seat #1 on the Board of Supervisors. Voting began January 23 and ends February 13. King Conservation District includes all registered voters in King County (excluding the cities of Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish).
CLICK HERE TO VOTE at https://vote.kingcd.org/app/home
At our January Regular Membership Meeting, we heard from all three candidates in this race and voted to give the 46th District Democrats endorsement to Brittney Bush Bollay.
For more information on this race, and the King Conservation District, visit https://kingcd.org/about/board-of-supervisors/elections-and-appointments/
State Committee Meeting in Bellingham
The 46th District Dems made a big showing at the state committee meeting the last weekend of January. Our State Committee members Tara Gallagher and Scott Forbes were there, along with 46th District Dems Chair Hunter Brown, Vice-Chair Lisa Rivera, DNC members David McDonald and Javier Valdez, Environment and Climate Caucus Vice-Chair Arvia Morris, and Treasurer Melissa Taylor (all pictured above) who attended all delegate selections trainings.
Saturday was a full day of learning about the delegate selection process for this year’s state and national Democratic conventions. Our members will be hearing more about that soon.
Sunday’s State Central Committee meeting saw the re-election of DNC members McDonald and Valdez (along with Sophia Danenberg and Sharon Mast); a vote to pass the budget, which includes a new project to support local organizations; and passage of several resolutions. Resolutions passed included, among others: calling for a ceasefire in Gaza; in favor of ranked choice voting in presidential primaries, and supporting creation of a beaver ecosystem management plan
⏰ Looking Ahead ….
46th District Democrats Environmental Caucus – Monday, Feb. 5, 7:00-8:00pm
These monthly meetings are now being held on the 1st Monday of each month. Click here to log on.
46th District Democrats Executive Committee Meeting – Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 7:00pm
These monthly meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month. RSVP here.
46th District Democrats Bylaws & Rules Committee – Tuesday, Feb. 13, 7:30-8:30pm
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpd-uoqjIjGNOgAWyhlyYcSnOHmNmjLtOy
46th District Democrats Regular Membership Meeting – Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 7:00pm
These monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesdays of each. RSVP here.
46th District Democrats Policy Committee Meeting – Thursday, Feb. 22, at 6:30pm
These monthly meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month. RSVP here.
46th District Democrats Bylaws & Rules Committee – Thursday, Feb. 29, 6:30-7:30pm
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkdOmupzwjE9H5R57WwXPkeKWHgrEbC4EG
🏛️ Connect with our 46th Legislative Delegation
Find out what State Senator, Javier Valdez, Representative, Gerry Pollet and Representative, Darya Farivar are up to by signing up for their newsletters:
Sen. Javier Valdez: https://senatedemocrats.wa.gov/valdez/e-newsletter/
Rep. Gerry Pollet: https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/pollet/e-news/
Rep. Darya Farivar: https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/farivar/e-news/
📢 Looking for a past meeting?
No problem! You can find recordings of many of our past meetings on our 46th District Dems YouTube Channel (subscribe today!) And now that we live stream Regular Membership Meetings directly on YouTube, most recordings can be found under the "Live" tab.
📌 Last but not least ….
Renew your membership (or start a new one) TODAY!
Dues support the costs associated with running the 46th Legislative District, and give you voting power at Membership Meetings, for such items as endorsing candidates, ballot measures and resolutions; electing some executive board positions like At-Large Members of the Executive Board; and adopting and amending our budget.
We have several contribution levels:
- Student / Limited Income ($10)
- Individual ($40)
- Couple/Family ($60)
- 4600 Club ($100)
- Friend of the 46th ($250)
- Benefactor of the 46th ($500)
Join at https://www.46dems.org/become_a_member. For questions about the status of your membership, email Membership Chair, Scott Alspach, at [email protected]
As always, THANK YOU to everyone who has chosen to join us in our mission to support democratic candidates, initiatives and causes! It's going to be a pivotal year, and we're excited to be walking and working along side you.
Hunter Brown and Lisa Rivera
Chair and Vice-Chair
46th District Democrats
Call to Meeting – January 16, 2024
Hello 46th District Democrats --
This is your official CALL TO MEETING for the January 16, 2024 46th District Democrats Regular Membership Meeting, where we will consider endorsements for King Conservation District Board of Supervisors Seat #1. See below for nomination rules.
DATE: Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024
TIME: 7:00pm
LOCATION: This meeting will be held on Zoom
To request an accomodation, please follow the steps outlined on the 46th Dems Accommodations Request Process. Fourty-eight hours notice is appreciated.
Memberships expire on January 31 of each year, in accordance with our Standing Rules. That means, for those who were paid members for 2023, you are still eligible to vote at this month's meeting. All others will be eligible to vote 21 days after paying dues, or being granted a dues waiver. For questions on the status of your membership, email Membership Chair, Scott Alspach at [email protected]
Refer to the Bylaws and Standing Rules for more information. Renew and learn how to receive a waiver here: https://www.46dems.org/become_a_member_today
Consent Agenda:
King Conservation District Board of Supervisors Seat #1 Endorsement
- The names of all candidates eligible for nomination, and their questionnaires, can be found here: https://www.46dems.org/2024_candidate_questionnaires_and_forums
- Resolutions
- New Business
- Eboard Recommended Motion to adopt inflation based dues increase
State Senator Javier Valdez, Representative Darya Farivar, and Representative Gerry Pollet look forward to addressing our membership this month, to talk about the work they are doing this session, as well as to answer questions from the floor.
- Bylaws of the 46th District Democrats of Washington
- Standing Rules of the 46th District Democrats of Washington
- 46th Democrats Endorsement Rules
- 46th PDC Committee Page
If you have any questions regarding the meeting or registration, please email [email protected]
We hope to see you at the meeting!
– Hunter Brown
Chair, 46th District Democrats